Geothermal Energy || Advantages Of Geothermal Energy || Geothermal System

Geothermal Energy. Advantages Of Geothermal Energy. Geothermal System. In this article we will tell you about geothermal energy, geothermal system and advantages of geothermal energy. One particularly significant renewable energy is geothermal. Depending on the resource's properties, such as its fluid, pressure, and temperature.

                        Geothermal energy

Geothermal energy is sometimes known as "Earth Heat." Geothermal energy is the heat-based energy that exists within the interior of the earth. It is the earth's natural heat. As you go further down the earth, the temperature rises. Temperatures in the planet's center (6,371 km) may be between 3,500°C and 4,500°C (the inner core of the earth achieves a maximum temperature of about 4000°C). Temperatures at the base of the continental crust (25 to 50 km) range from 200°C to 1,000°C. Even under the most optimistic projections of technological advancement, the majority of the earth's heat is too deeply buried to be accessed by man.

The interior makeup of Earth and the physical processes taking place within are thought to be the source of this heat. It takes a carrier to move the heat to a reachable depth below the earth's surface in order to extract this much heat. A vast source of reliable, clean, and constantly available energy.

Accurate and Reliable:

The only readily available renewable energy source is geothermal. Geothermal energy production is consistent, unlike that of wind and solar energy, which is erratic. Additionally, production levels can be changed in accordance with demand, ranging from zero to the capacity of the relevant developed resources, without suffering any loss. This innate feature of geothermal energy will rise in value as electric power grids become more dispersed and as other erratic renewable energy sources contribute greater shares of the total supply capacity.

Geothermal System Types:

There are two major types of geothermal systems,

1.      hot-water systems

2.      vapor-dominated ("dry-steam") systems

Hot-water Systems:

Due to the influence of pressure on the boiling point of water, hot-water geothermal systems can produce temperatures that are sometimes much higher than surface boiling. A "loop" of small-diameter, underground High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE) pipes is used in geothermal systems.

                        Hot-water system

To transfer thermal energy to and from your home, the loop circulates water. Its central component is what gives geothermal systems their biggest edge over conventional heat pumps, air conditioners, and furnaces that burn fossil fuels.

Geothermal hot water systems can function on one of two tenets: either by pulling heat directly from the earth or via a natural hot spring. The boiling point of water is affected by pressure, therefore hot-water geothermal systems can occasionally produce temperatures that are substantially higher than surface boiling.

Geothermal systems use a "loop" of subterranean, small-diameter High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE) pipes. The loop circulates water, transferring heat energy to and from your home. The main difference between geothermal systems and typical fossil fuel-burning heat pumps, air conditioners, and furnaces is its fundamental component. Either by drawing heat directly from the earth or through a natural hot spring is how geothermal hot water systems work.

These installations are rarely a sensible option because they are plainly only feasible if a hot spring is close. The more popular approach operates by drawing heat straight from the earth and may be installed practically anyplace. The technique is built on the same idea as heat pumps, except instead of getting its heat from the air, it gets it from the ground. The temperature of the ground levels out at about 12 to 13 degrees Celsius at a depth of 3 meters. Long loops of copper tubing are buried, and the pipes are filled with refrigerant. A storage tank's water can be heated by the refrigerant, which absorbs heat from the earth and transfers it back up the pipe where it is compressed.

Vapor-dominated ("dry-steam") Systems:

In contrast to hot-water systems, vapor-dominated geothermal systems only produce superheated steam and trace amounts of other gases (such as CO2 and H2S). As a result, the entire fluid can be fed straight to the turbine. Saturated steam and water coexist in the vapor-dominated geothermal reservoir, with steam acting as the pressure-regulating phase.

                                  Dry-steam system

At a wellhead pressure range of 5 to 7 kilograms per square centimeter, heat held in the rocks dries the fluids first to saturated and then to supersaturated steam, with as much as 55 °C superheat. At pressures considerably higher than roughly 34 kilograms per square centimeter and temperatures much higher than 240°C, vapor-dominated reservoirs are unlikely to exist due to the thermodynamic characteristics and flow dynamics of steam and water in porous media. [5] Deep beneath the vapor-dominated reservoirs, hot brine probably exists, but drill holes have not yet been drilled far enough to establish this.

Geothermal System’s Location:

Both the solid rock and the water and steam filling the pores and fissures retain thermal energy.

The "hot spots" in bigger areas are geothermal reservoirs, where the flow of heat from deep within the ground is 1.5 to possibly 5 times greater than the global average of 1.5 X 10" calories per square centimeter per second.

These hotspots are typically found around the edges of large crustal plates and are also where new volcanoes and mountain ranges are being formed. In these margins, crustal material is either being dragged downward and "consumed" in the mantle or fresh material from the mantle is being added to the crust (i.e., spreading ridges). (sub-duction zones).

Molten rock is produced in both cases, and it then rises buoyantly into the crust. These igneous rock pods produce the heat, which is ultimately delivered by conduction to the meteoric water's convicting systems. There are three main geologic settings where geothermal fields are currently being studied or exploited:

 Specifically, along spreading ridges, above subduction zones, and along the mountain range that stretches from Italy through Turkey to the Caucasus.

Geothermal Energy Use:

1.    1-  Electricity can be produced indirectly by geothermal energy and used directly for heating. In the same way as traditional nonrenewable power plants, geothermal energy can likewise deliver reliable base load power regardless of the weather.

2.     2- To date, the production of electricity has been the main use of geothermal energy. According to current technology, the geothermal reservoir needs to be at least 180 °C and preferably 200 °C in order to serve this purpose. After removing any related water (up to 90% of the total effluent), geothermal steam is expanded into a turbine and used to power a typical generator. Around 800 megawatts, or 0.08 percent of the total global electrical capacity from all generating modes, were generated by geothermal energy in 1971. The cost of electricity generated by advantageous geothermal systems is comparable to that of nuclear or fossil fuels. Naturally, only locations with a substantial supply of geothermal energy may generate geothermal energy. Geo thermal steam cannot be moved over great distances to a producing station close to the current load centers, unlike coal, oil, gas or uranium.

3.     3- Although there are still some minor uses for geothermal resources, there are others. Locally, geothermal waters as cold as 40°C are employed for gardening and space heating.

4.      4- Much of the Icelandic capital Reykjavik, as well as portions of Boise, Kla-math Falls, Rotorua, New Zealand, and Boise, Idaho, are heated by geo thermal water.

5.      5- In Kawerau, New Zealand, geothermal steam is also used to make paper and has potential use in refrigeration.

6.      6- Some geothermal waters have by-products such potassium, lithium, calcium, and other metals that could be valuable.

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